Monday, May 17, 2010

We're online!

Well, the step has been taken. We are officially online! After looking into a few options, I opted to take the (free) plunge and start a blog instead of a full blown website.

The children's garden is a project of the non-profit Siskiyou Gardens, Parks and Greenways Association. I somehow became fully involved in it after getting a plot in the adjoining Community Garden. My big project has been the butterfly garden.

This weekend my husband, Tiffany and I borrowed a loader from Eddie Steinhoff (THANKS EDDIE!!) and managed to move about eight boulders to the garden. One is absolutely huge, one is large, and the rest were small enough that three of us (thanks Sam!) could roll them off of the trailer (thanks Mo!).

Next step is to get the soil amended, then we can finally get to the fun part of planting all of our lovely butterfly friendly plants. Hrm... maybe we can get a grant from some group that is promoting habitat for butterflies. Something to look into.


1 comment:

  1. What might you be looking for in the way of plant $$ ?
