Sunday, May 23, 2010


Friday and Saturday nights had frost advisories issued by the National Weather Service. Saturday morning I checked on the plants, and they were doing great! No damage at all. Sunday afternoon I checked on them and found that pretty much everything had succumbed during the night. :( The adjoining community garden had similar issues. Everyone knew the cold weather was coming and prepared their plants as best they could, to no avail. Word in the garden is that it got down to 28 degrees last night. To me, that is a bit more like a freeze rather than a frost. The lone survivors in our beds seem to be a cinnamon basil, and the two squash. One of the tomatoes *might* make it, but it will probably take a while to recover from the damage. We are probably just going to put it out of its misery instead.

The sunflowers seem to be made of much hardier stock, as they seemed completely unfazed by the chilly weather. They do need to be thinned out a bit.

Still no signs of sprouting from the beans. Good thing considering the weather.

So, I promised photos of the boulders and here I deliver. They don't look like much in the photo, but the large one on the left is actually about 5' tall. I'll try to take overview photos from this same spot
every so often, so that we can look back and see how much has changed. Hopefully one of the things that will change are those blackberry brambles along the fence. They desperately need to be pruned back... Another job for another day.


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